
Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics Member of Czech Medical Association Jan Evangelista Purkynje

The Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics is a non-profit scientific and educational organization in the field of medical, clinical and biological engineering and medical informatics. It joins together physicians, biomedical technicians, biomedical engineers, clinical engineers, medical informaticians and other professionals from related areas. The Society aims at encouraging research and the application of knowledge, and to disseminate information and promote collaboration.

Our society and Czech Association of Medical Physicists were organizers of the successful World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IUPESM PRAGUE 2018), see web page.

Contact Address

Assoc. Prof. Lenka Lhotska, Ph.D.
Department of Cognitive Systems and Neurosciences
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
Czech Technical University in Prague
Jugoslavskych partyzanu 1580/3 
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 224354199
E-mail: lenka.lhotska[at]cvut.cz

Specific Aims

Foster interdisciplinary research activities comprising medicine/biology and engineering sciences and informatics (basic and applied research).
Provide platform for joined activities of the Society members, inform about latest development and events in the field.
Support organization of conferences and workshops.
Actively participate in negotiations on legislative issues on the ministerial level in favor of the Society members and research and educational institutions working in the area of biomedical engineering and medical informatics.
Develop job profiles for biomedical engineers and clinical engineers.
Develop guidelines for under- and postgraduate education and lifelong learning in biomedical engineering, clinical engineering and medical informatics.
Publishing activities – the Society has its own journal Physician and technician under the co-operation with Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering.
Maintains close contacts with the working groups of IUPESM, IFMBE, ISfTeH, IMIA and EFMI.


President : Assoc. Prof. Jiri Hozman, Ph.D. (hozman[at]fbmi.cvut.cz)
Vice-Presidents: Martin Mayer, Ph.D., MHA (martin.mayer[at]uhkt.cz)
Scientific Secretary : Assoc. Prof. Lenka Lhotska, Ph.D. (lenka.lhotska[at]cvut.cz)

International activities

Representation in international umbrella organizations in the fields of research and education in biomedical engineering and medical informatics